Usage Terms

I work hard to prepare my photographs and posts; please honor my copyright and usage terms.

All words and images posted on are the property of Donn Meehl and copyrighted in the year they were photographed or edited, unless otherwise noted. Any form of copyright infringement or theft of images and/or written content from is subject to legal action.


I recognize that some individuals may like to reproduce my words and/or images for their private and personal use, and I don’t want to discourage that in the vast majority of cases. I believe that these terms are more generous than most standard usage terms, and apply only to those reproducing the written content or images for use inside their home, and not those sharing the images and content online.

If you would like to reproduce any original written content from for private and personal use, you are absolutely allowed to do so, as long as you clearly include my name and website information along with the written content.

If you would like to reproduce any original image from for private and personal use, you are absolutely allowed to do so. You may not substantially alter or enlarge the image, and you must clearly include my name and website information with the image.


These terms apply to anyone who shares my information with others online (or otherwise) for normal educational purposes.

If you would like to share any original written content from for educational use, you are allowed to do so, as long as you follow these guidelines. You must clearly include my name and website information along with the written content, and notify me of the usage through my email account (including your name, mailing address, email address, what written content was reproduced, and where the written content was reproduced).

If you would like to share any original image from for educational use, you are absolutely allowed to do so, as long as you follow these guidelines. You may not substantially alter or enlarge the image (file format and/or file compression changes are acceptable), you must clearly include my name and website information along with the image, and you must notify me of the usage through my email account (including your name, mailing address, email address, what image was reproduced, and where the image was reproduced).


Any commercial or political use of my original written content or original images, or any usage other than those detailed above, requires written permission and/or the payment of a licensing fee before such usage. In many cases, I will grant permission without a fee for non-commercial and non-political usage, and may even provide a larger image file in some cases without charge. Please contact me.


If you have questions about any of this, or you need to notify me of usage, please send an email to me. Thanks.

My website is:

My email is:

Thanks for your help and cooperation in protecting my work. Any information you provide to me will not be used without your permission.

Thank you, Donn Meehl

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