Winter Coat

Winter Coat

Here in northern Ohio, we experience some wonderful winter days. If you live in a similar climate, I urge you to bundle up and go experience the magic firsthand.

 For those of you who cannot, these mere shadows are all I can provide. You’ll have to imagine the tingling fingers and toes, the runny nose, the crunch of footsteps breaking a muffled silence, and the scents of dry pine and burning firewood!

Snow, Trees and Water, 2014

Snow, Trees and Water, 2014

Late Winter Snow by Pond's Edge, 2016

Late Winter Snow by Pond’s Edge, 2016

Snowy Beech, 2016

Snowy Beech, 2016

Winter Branches, 2014

Winter Branches, 2014

Wetlands in Winter, 2014

Wetlands in Winter, 2014

Winter Pond, 2016

Winter Pond, 2016

Snow Blown Woodland, 2016

Snow Blown Woodland, 2016

Snow Covered Spruce, 2014

Snow Covered Spruce, 2014

Early Winter, 2014

Early Winter, 2014

Snow on Trees, 2014

Snow on Trees, 2014


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